Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush - Social Justice and Equity Through the Arts

If you are a family that was accepted to Rush for SY25-26 and you were not able to make to Welcome Night on 3-5-25 please call the school or email Mrs. Henshaw (  to set up a time to receive your registration packet and swag bag. You can always come to the school during the hours of 9am – 2pm.


If your child is absent from school please send absence notes to our secretary Ciara Cunningham-Kent


Just a few important reminders about attendance:

  • Students absent more than 3 consecutive days should present an excuse note from a medical doctor within three days of their absence.   No more than 8 excuse notes written by parents / caregivers will be accepted in one school year.   After 8 absences, the notes must come from a doctor.
  • Any student with 3 or more unexcused absences will receive a legal notice regarding absences. Six or more unexcused absences will result in the development of a truancy elimination plan.  Parents will be expected to attend a meeting to develop this plan. Ten or more unexcused absences will result in loss of school privileges and a referral to truancy court.


Our Vision

Rush Arts is grounded in the belief that the creative arts provide an unmatched opportunity to develop intellectual growth and personal creativity as part of a rigorous academic curriculum.

Through our Core Values, we emphasize the building of a reflective community of learners who are adaptive critical thinkers and creators, while preparing our students for college and professional careers.

Rush Arts develops students’ capacity as active members of a civic democratic society by fostering a culture of conversation, uplifting respect for the various views of our diverse and dynamic student population, and encouraging student voice in the pursuit of equity and social justice.