Visual Arts Virtual Audition



Submit 2 short video recordings (Detailed instructions & video demonstrations below)

1. Drawing a Still Life 

Set up camera or have someone record you drawing from a still life for approximately 2-3 minutes. Student must be visible in the frame with the drawing and the still life in front of them. We want to see you begin your drawing from a blank piece of paper. The drawing should not be completed on camera. Before the video ends, you should show us the drawing in progress up close to the camera (see demonstration video below). After you stop the camera, take the time you need to finish your drawing. This finished drawing will be included in your portfolio video.

2. Showing Your Portfolio

Gather a collection of 6 – 8 pieces of your best work. You MUST include a self-portrait in ANY medium. All work should be original. Drawings & paintings should be created from direct observation rather than copied from photos, comic books or other sources. Small three-dimensional objects, photographs, and graphic design are also acceptable for inclusion.  If possible, select a variety of media and/or styles.

Recording: Find an empty space to lay your artwork out neatly (kitchen table or floor is fine). Write your first and last name clearly with a marker or pen on a slip of paper. Use your mobile device or camera to record a 2-3 minute video showing each of your pieces of artwork. If you are using a mobile device (iPhone/Android), turn the camera to record in landscape (horizontal) view. Stand over the artwork and point the camera down. Begin your recording by showing your name, then move the camera over each piece of work for approximately 5 seconds. Include the whole piece of artwork in the camera frame. Be sure your still life drawing and your self portrait are included in your portfolio. (see demonstration video below)

Upload both videos to YouTube.

When you are ready to submit both videos, fill out our audition form below.

If you have any questions about the Visual Arts audition, please contact Mr. Mazza at

You must submit the completed audition form AND the online high school application (on the Philadelphia School District website) in order to be considered for admission at the Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush.  Please be sure to fill out BOTH.